
Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Lawn Care

We are lawn people what can I say. We both love mowing, edging and believe it or not we feel a great sense of accomplishment when we pull weeds. We have spent a couple of hours a day here and there pulling weeds for the past month and we are finally more or less done. The yard looks great and we are very ready to plant some trees and flowers once we get some more consistent warm weather. I love that Joey enjoys working in the yard. It's a nice bonding time for the two of us:). And can I just say again, I LOVE this guy!

Monday, March 30, 2009

Another photo edit demonstration

Remember, I'm just barely getting the hang of this software but, I'm loving what I have learned so far and look forward to learning a whole lot more! I would just like to add that the beauty of photo editing is that each photographer will edit to suit their own tastes and what I do to a photo might totally turn off another photographer and that is okay. I have been browsing so many photographers blogs over the last couple of months and I have seen so many different styles and I love them all because each one is a form of artistic expression! I like the bright colors and the light faces and some people prefer their shots darker and more subdued. To each his own right:).

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Photo editing will change my life forever

Joey got me set up with a photo editing program that has already made a wonderful impact on some of my favorite pictures. It's amazing what a little lightening can do to an underexposed image! I have so much to learn and I haven't even begun to tap the potential that this program offers but, I am already having a blast and I think it is going to take my photography to a whole new level! You can tell which photos are the originals because they are so much darker. Thanks honey for getting me started! You're the best!

Wednesday, March 25, 2009

Random Things

Dakota looking innocent for once in her life
Happily destroying my yard glove
Preparing to pounce on my yard glove
Annoying me while I try to work
playing around with the camera
Getting in my way while I try and take pictures
Yes, in spite of it all, I love this dog:-)

Monday, March 23, 2009

One can dream can't she?

I don't have any cute pictures of mine or Joey's mugs as of late so back to the ol' decorating pictures to satisfy your need for an update:). I found this shabby chic store in NC that is just to stinkin' cute but...their stuff is so expensive and way

out of my price range. So, all I can do is look but, not touch and try and find the same styles somewhere else at a much lower price tag..try Target or Wal-Mart for example! I love the way shabby chic mixes patterns, textures and soft tones and bright tones together. So cozy and feminine:). I also thought that the pink, retro stove was adorable but, I could never go that far without robbing Joey of his masculinity:) haha. I love the big wrap around sofa the bright colored artwork, the fluffy layered bedding and the awesome wood floors shown in these pictures. Plus, you have to admit that those bright pink arm chairs are pretty dang cute too! Well, hope that will hold you over for a day or two:).

A post from David Wilkerson's blog

Perhaps you or someone you know is going through a tough time as our economy struggles along. Many people have lost their jobs or homes and as a result their faith is growing ever weary as the difficulties continue to drag on. I don't know what our tomorrows hold but, I DO know that God is always faithful and that even when things look bleak, God can hold us steady and give us the strength to press onward. Below is an excerpt from David Wilkerson's blog. I have never read his blog before, but someone forwarded a link to me this morning and I got a bit swept up in his writings. He is very passionate about the Lord and people like that amaze and inspire me, because I know that it isn't easy to live that way day in day out! I was encouraged and hope you can be too. God will never leave you or forsake you, please hold tightly to that promise!

Tuesday, March 17, 2009


Faith begins with a total abandonment of oneself into God’s care, but our faith must be active, not passive.

We must have full confidence that God can and will do the impossible. Jesus said, “With God all things are possible” (Matthew 19:26). “With God nothing shall be impossible” (Luke 1:37). In short, faith says, “God is enough!”

The Lord was making Abram a man of faith by leading him into an impossible situation. He wanted to hear his servant say, “Father, you led me here, and you know best. So I’m going to stand still and believe you to do the impossible. I’ll put my life in your hands, fully trusting that you won’t allow me or my family to starve. I know we’ll be preserved because you promised I would have a seed!”

Our faith is not meant to get us out of a hard place or change our painful condition. Rather, it is meant to reveal God’s faithfulness to us in the midst of our dire situation. God does at times change our trying
circumstances. But more often, he doesn’t - because he wants to change us!

We simply can’t trust God’s power fully until we experience it in the midst of our crisis. This was the case with the three Hebrew children. They saw Christ only when they were in the midst of the fiery furnace. And Daniel experienced God’s power and grace when he was thrust into the lions’ den. If they had suddenly been pulled out of their circumstances, they never would have known the full grace of God’s miracle-working power. And the Lord would not have been magnified before the ungodly.

We think we’re witnessing great miracles whenever God ends our storms and crises. But we can easily miss the lesson of faith in such times — the lesson that says God will remain faithful to us through our hard times. He wants to raise us above our trials through faith, so we can say, “My God can do the impossible. He’s a deliverer, and he’s going to see me through.”

Tuesday, March 17, 2009

Hanging out with the Morris family

This past weekend Joey and I visited our good friends Mike, Elissa and their two sons, Logan (2) and Austin (1 month) in Virginia. Poor Logan got a nasty stomach flu on Saturday and baby Austin got it a couple days later as did I. I hear it's making its rounds rather quickly as my little sister Anna in Cali had it on the same day as me! On another note: Mike is being deployed very shortly for about seven months. If you think about their family please pray for safety for Mike while he is away and for extra strength for Elissa as she takes on two little ones on her own. They are such a blessing in mine and Joey's life. We don't know what we would do without you guys! Joey and Mike put up a chair rail in Logan's room and it turned out really nice. Sorry Mike, but I never got a picture of you hard at work, but I will make sure to next time!

Sunday, March 15, 2009

What a difference a year can make

Joey and Logan in April of 2008 on the left and on the right Joey and Logan just this past weekend when we visited. Logan will be two in just one week (23rd)! Happy Almost birthday Logan!! He's so big now:-). We love this kid!

Wednesday, March 11, 2009

Photo Practice Session #1

I know absolutely zilch about manual photography, aka, aperture, ISO and shutter speed, but, I am on a quest to get better acquainted with these terms and I am determined to learn how to get better pictures before I die. At least I am giving myself lots of time right:). I am hoping to take a digital photography class with Joe Joe this Summer and I am trying to read everything I can get my hands on in regards to manual photography. I have been practicing camera techniques on Dakota, but she can get very boring (sad but true!) so I asked my neighbor Christine up the street if I could take a few pics of her 4 month old son Vincent for fun. Thanks Christine! I probably took 100 pictures and out of those I only got maybe 2 that I love, but that is because I don't know anything about lighting yet and that makes all the difference in the world. I thought I would share my very first "photo shoot" at my beginner's level and hopefully over time I can see an improvement when I look back at this blog:)! Wish me luck!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Spring Festival Booth Painting

Joey and I signed up to help our church paint about 25 booths for a spring neighborhood Fair/Festival that they are hosting at the end of March. Neither Joey nor myself are artists and the only reason that we volunteered is because we were told that artistic talent was not a requirement for this project. We figured that we would be painting one solid color on a booth. That sounded easy enough! When we arrived this past Saturday (80 degrees and gorgeous by the way!), the leader of the project gathered us all together and informed us that we each needed to pick our own booth and that first we needed to paint grass on the lower level of the booth and then we were to let our artistic freedom run it's course. She suggested flowers, birds, butterflies, pictures of food (if we had a food booth), ducks...the sky was the limit. That is when Joey and I began to sweat bullets along with the rest of our home group friends who showed up to help. We all paced around for a little while hoping some inspiration would miraculously fall on us from the Heavens and though it didn't happen quite like that, I must say that I am quite pleased with how my booth came out and Joey was a great help too! The booths were originally all sky blue and then we added whatever we wanted from there. Joey and I decided to add stripes to ours (my lovely friend Miriam helped since the stripes were so time consuming) and we added lots of bright color. I will make you suffer by not posting the final booth pictures until tomorrow:) Here is a teaser! hehe. It ended up being a wonderful, fun day!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

Our Home Group Pals

We had a going away party for one of the guys, Adam, from our church home group. He is moving back to his home state of Ohio and although we are sad to see him go, we are happy that he is going to be near his family again. Joey and I are so thankful for this group of people. When we moved to North Carolina we didn't know anyone out here locally (family yes) and we wondered how long it would take before we would have that again. These folks are wonderful, fun and such a joy to hang out with:). Just wanted to brag about them, because they deserve it!

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Yet Will I Sing

We are so blessed that the majority of our days are full of joy and peace and that we can trust that God will always supply all of our needs! Sometimes though we might have a rough day, week or year and no matter how hard we try, we can't seem to press past the heaviness that surrounds us. It seems that in those times that God reveals his splendor and majesty in ways that we might have otherwise missed in the good times. A friend gave me a CD this week and one song in particular touched my heart in such a powerful way and stirred me to remember to lean on Jesus no matter what kind of a day I am having. Through the good, the bad and the ugly, God is always there, guiding, comforting and protecting us. I thought I would share the lyrics of the song "Yet Will I Sing" by Audra Lynn and I will also attach a link to her myspace page so that you can listen to the song if you feel up for it. This gal has a beautiful voice and it is so awesome that she is using it to encourage people and to worship our awesome God!

LYRICS "Yet Will I Sing"

Let this be the only love song I write
May You be the only Love in my life
I asked You to draw me, I said I would run
So though I walk through the valley, yet will I trust
I asked You to call me, I said I would come
So though I go up the mountain, yet will I run


Though my song be taken from me
Yet will I sing; yet will I praise You
Though the joy be taken from me
Yet will I laugh; yet will I shout unto You
Though the light be hidden from me
Yet will I walk; yet will I run after You
Though my heart be slain within me
Yet will I trust; yet will I follow You


‘Cause I know whatever You do, You do through the eyes of mercy
And nothing can be added to it, nothing can be taken away
There is a time for every purpose under the heavens
So though my weeping may last for the night
Oh how Your joy, it comes with the light

LINK to myspace music page for Audra Lynn:

Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Found a new/old hutch on craigslist

All I have had in my dining room for the past year is a small dining table. Our dining room is a pretty large space so it has felt so bare but, I haven't wanted to settle for any furniture that I can't live with for a long time. I found this antique hutch on craigslist this week. This is the picture that they posted in their add so I don't have all the goodies on the shelves. It has a lot of character just the way that it is, but I think I will add some new knobs on the doors and maybe do a touch up paint job down the line. It was such a great deal. I love Craigslist!! I will take pictures of the hutch in our dining room as soon as I get some goodies to decorate it with:). Also, we booked our hotel in the Dominican Republic this week. It's a beach front resort and was really reasonably priced! Joey and I are both getting really exicted about this vacation...only two months to go!!! Oh, and did I already mention that I love Craigslist? lol.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Trying to Stay Warm

We have had some chilly weather the past few days. It seems that winter isn't going out without a fight. We got about 3 inches of snow that hung around all day today and the temperatures never got above 30. Dakota has recently figured out that

the fireplace is a warm area of the house and
now she hangs out in front of it quite contentedly which cracks Joey and I up. I've been trying to find ways to pass the time inside since it is too chilly to hang outside, so I started playing the guitar again. It's been a while since I have played, so it didn't take long before the strings started killing my finger tips. Guess I will have to play more

regularly! Cold weather is great so long as long as I get to enjoy it from inside my warm house, with a nice hot cup of green tea (my favorite) and hopefully while wearing a funky pair of socks:). We are all eager for the warm rays of spring though! Hope they come soon.