Sunday, August 14, 2011

When The Enemy Lies

"So do not fear, for I am with you; do not be dismayed, for I am your God. I will strengthen you and help you; I will uphold you with my righteous right hand." Isaiah 41:10

So, yesterday while I was minding my own business, eating some delicious chewy sweet tarts and cleaning the kitchen (and even humming happily as I wiped the counter down) this little lie popped into my head out of no where. It was totally random, totally unexpected and it caught me off guard enough to stop what I was doing so that I could think about what I had just heard (in my, I am not crazy)lol. The little lie really came out of left field and in this particular instance it was regarding my marriage.

 It was just a simple little lie, but it was the enemies classic effort to plant a seed of discouragement and fear.  We hear those little lies in our heads all the time don't we.  Maybe you are overweight and the lie that creeps into your head is that you will never be able to get your weight under control.  The lie might tell you that you aren't good enough or beautiful enough, or that you are unlovable, that you will never succeed, that you will never heal or recover of loss, pain, depression, illness or financial troubles,  You might hear a lie that God would never want you because you aren't good enough just as you are.  You might hear a lie that your gifts or talents will never be special or as useful as that persons.  You might hear a lie about your marriage, spouse, or boyfriend or girlfriend.   Maybe at some point you have even heard the lie that you are better off dead.  The enemy is quite crafty and he knows how to speak the lies that will cut each of us deeply.  He loves to knock us off course and leave us wounded.  He truly enjoys when we focus on unhealthy things that rob us of our joy.

 Something that I have learned but, that I have to continue to train myself in, is that the best way for me to kick the lie's butt (and the enemies) is to first know the truth about my worth in Christ so that I can battle the lie with the truth and secondly to share it with a trusted friend and then pray together and thus get it out of my head where it can fester and grow.  It took me a long time to recognize this.  I used to try and sort through everything on my own because I didn't want to share my weaknesses or my fears with anyone else and I didn't want someone to take advantage of my vulnerability or to misunderstand me.  Lies somehow seem to lose their power over us when we speak them out and then hand them over to the Lord in prayer.  The enemy would much rather we keep things to ourselves and suffer them out alone.  Don't let him win or steal your joy!

Just before heading to bed to edit the heaps of wedding pictures that I am working on and before my hubby could fade off into man, video game land, I asked him if I could pray with him.  My guy is awesome and of course said yes.  So I prayed out loud with him and rebuked the lie and my hubby agreed with me and in the end only peace remained.  God's perfect peace.  The peace that comes from knowing the truth of God's faithfulness, mercy, grace, love and protection over my life, my husband's life, our marriage and our family.  Bottom line; God has never failed me but, the enemy would love it if I would forget that essential fact because then he could wreak havoc on my life.  Bottom line; God move along enemy, just move right on along.:)

Perhaps this made no sense to you at, so to conclude let me just remind each of you (men, women and children) of this, the God who wove together the universe and everything in it, wove you together and knows you better than anyone and loves you with a passionate love that cannot be matched or found anywhere else on this Earth.  The truth is that you are beautiful and your value is priceless, no matter what your weight, your color, your past or future mistakes or shortcomings, your gifts, your talents, on good days and on bad, you are God's most treasured creation!

If any of you ever need prayer or someone to share something with please feel free to contact me.  I am only to happy to be an ear and to help you kick some enemy butt!

"For we are God's masterpiece. He has created us anew in Christ Jesus, so we can do the good things he planned for us long ago." Ephesians 2:10



  1. Love this post. Brought me to tears. I will email you...I so wish I knew myself the way God knows me.

  2. Ok, so I can't figure out where your email address is. LOL.

  3. Casey,

    I needed this today!!! Let me just tell you...about an hour ago, I just told my hubby that i wished that i had more talent.... and could work from an artist, photographer so many bloggers i follow...I felt a so horrible and I was really down on myself. ( sidenote) I am trying to find some extra income. I recently decided to stay home with my little guy. I nanny five children...took him with me, but he wasn't getting the attention he needed from me. Anyways, sp I am stuck....trying to figure things out. I am so glad you wrote this today!!! God created me unique..I may not have the "talents" I want or think I need, but God has a plan. I am just praying that he will provide for us! Another lie, that I satan told me was....WHY, we God provide for us and care about our needs...when there are children in Africa dying and hungry. I am still having a hard time asking for God's provision, I feel I don't deserve it. Thank you for what you wrote!

  4. Casey, You wrote this so beautifully! Thank-you for being honest & in that honesty- pointing us all back to Christ!

  5. What a great reminder and something I really needed to hear today. Thank you!

  6. This is so true girl. I love reading your posts. Thanks for the encouragement!!

  7. Such truth - those lies sneak up on each of us and it is up to us to tackle them with prayer and truth. Great message.

  8. those lies are the worst. And they always seem to bombard us whenever we are seeking Christ and trying to be imitators of Him. What a glorious day it will be in heaven when we will no longer have to struggle against our flesh and the evil one.

  9. Thank you Casey for speaking truth here.

    I can totally relate as I have been battling the lies for a few weeks. Well, I have always battled lies, but there are a few that keep popping in my head. I needed this reminder to not only speak the truth to the lie, but to go to someone and pray with them.

    Blessings to you friend!!

  10. Great post, thanks for sharing your heart and being so open! Satan is the master of lies and you totally did the right thing by rebuking him and praying:)

  11. A much needed post after I spent a good part of yesterday crying because I am not good enough in stupid chemistry and calculus to be the doctor (or even the physician's assistant) I set out to be! I am reminded that my gifts are in psychology and counseling for a reason! I need to follow the path that God intended me to follow and stop harping on the path that I intended to follow. As I always say, "People plan and God laughs!" Love to you, Joey, and Daisy!!

  12. I love this so much. What a wonderful post. Thanks for the reminder.

  13. WOW. GREAT post, Casey! I agree with you 100%. FANTASTIC!

  14. So beautiful Casey! Thank you for allowing God to speak through you.

  15. i love the way you put this, what a great message! and i love the photo at the top! :)

  16. Hello Casey, I found you through Queenie. Just wanted to say that I really appreciate this post.
    Most of the time I am right on with knowing when the lies are just lies, when satan is trying to push in to my home.
    There have been, of course, several times in my life where I have listened. There have even been times of giving in, and giving up.
    This is so needed. Especially with women, especially with women who's main focus is house and home and kids. I'm certainly NOT saying women who work don't feel this, I'm saying women that are alone at home all day every day, with only tugs and whines and pulls and pushes and struggles can start to feel Oh so frumpy and ugly and useless.
    Good job reaching out.
    I'll put you in my blogroll. I could use more of you I think.
    Plus, when I get the need to pray and share I'll definitely keep you in mind.

  17. Casey, thanks for your honesty and transparency. Yes, the enemy lies, and because family is so close to the heart of God, it's one of his favorite targets. Seems like we're constantly under fire, and quite frankly, it can get exhausting. Your post was a reminder to take it to God and He'll handle it for us. We don't fight this battle with flesh and blood, but by the spirit of God.

  18. So well said Casey!!! I often go through this. Sometimes I catch it- other times I know I don't. But it's already set in & then I have to work to go back & work even harder to change my thoughts on it.

    Oh & I'll share a sweet tart with you any time!!!

  19. THANK YOU!! I just came across your blog through many other mom blogs I was reading. Your post hit so close to home and I truly believe it was God's amazing word you just shared that will crush the enemy and let our truths be seen in his eyes. I have been slowly coming back to him after a path of trying to find that happiness every where else but Him. Your word through God has been put beautifully! Again Thank You for sharing.

  20. Wow Casey, this is so powerful to declare God's truth over our lives. Thanks for your transparency! It's true, we all battle lies and I love what you said about sharing it with someone else and not keeping it to ourselves where the enemy does more damage. I've missed visiting you my friend. Glad to see you actively kicking enemy butt! :)

  21. I needed to read this today. The good Lord made sure that I read this at just the time I needed to read it. There are definitely lies rattling around in my head that are stealing my joy and my peace.


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