
Tuesday, November 29, 2011

20 Months - Another Month Come and Gone

How the heck is my little gal 20 months old?  As in 4 months shy of being 2?  While I recover from my shock over here I will amuse you with a barrage of pictures of Daisy's latest activities and blab on about her latest whatevers.  Please forgive these long monthly updates.  These posts are mostly for Daisy's memory book.  I think she will really enjoy reading them someday.

Daisy likes to sit on the couch a lot now both to eat snacks with mommy, jump up and down and to watch her shows.  She always asks for her bunkie (as she calls it) and her poppy and then she chillaxes for a little while.  I definitely enjoy the little 5-10 minute breaks of whine free time and maybe a quick run to the bathroom without a child hanging on my leg:).  Oh, and I just adore how you wiggle your toes all the time when you are sitting.  You have the cutest little feet!
We have been blessed with a truly beautiful and warm fall (until today).  Knowing how fleeting warm weather is here in the fall we spent a lot of time outside every day.  Daisy loved laying in the sun on her towel, playing with her toys and talking to me.  It's only been chilly for one day and already I am missing the sunshine and warm rays.  Cold winter = too much time cooped up in the house with a toddler! Wish us luck!

We color (and play with play doh) a little bit almost everyday.  I have found that the kitchen floor is the safest place to color so that we can easily wipe up the crayon marks that miss the paper.  Coloring has yet to keep Daisy's interest for more than maybe five minutes but, she has gotten much more purposeful about her crayon marks and she likes to use all the colors.  She likes to tear the paper off the crayons and occasionally sneak a nibble.  She acts all sly about it.  It's so funny.
Daisy loves to have a little sip (I emphasize little because it really is a tiny sip or two. I don't want her spazzing out) of my coffee most mornings.  I just had to snap a picture of her coffee cream mustache.  Just love this silly picture.

Daisy now asks to take a "pi-tur" with my camera all the time.  I sit on the floor with her and hold the camera up to her eye and let her look through and then snap, we take a picture.  She then asks to see the "pi-tur" from the back viewer screen and I have to be honest...I am pretty impressed by the unique shots she captures that I never would from my much higher perspective.  She has taken a lot more...I'll have to share them in another post someday.  They really are all awesome!  A future photographer perhaps?

Daisy loves her kitchen and usually plays with it a few times a day.  She loves pushing the buttons that make noise and pouring mommy and daddy a cup of "coffee" or washing her hands in the sink.  I cracked up when I saw that she had moved her food basket into a position so as to better allow her to reach her microwave buttons.  Pretty smart eh!
This car didn't get much use inside so I moved it outside and she enjoys it much more out there:)
And after all those other little activities we go back outside in the afternoon for a last hoorah before the sun sets at the early hour of to that. So much for evening photography sessions for me or after work fishing sessions for the hubs...not to mention a ton less play time for the bean.  But oh how we soaked it up while it lasted!  Daisy, you LOVED being in our backyard this fall, probably more than any other activity!
you were so happy you clapped and clapped
And in other news...all clothing you wear is 24 months now.  Shoes size 5 and diaper size 5.  My favorite place to shop for you at the moment is Kid to Kid a local consignment shop which I love.  I can hardly justify buying all new when you grow through things as fast as you do.  You nap from around 1-2:30 and sleep from 8-6:30 (generally).  You eat similar things every day.  Generally applesauce, yogurt or oatmeal for breakfast, chicken nuggets or PBJ and banana and string cheese for lunch and then some of whatever we are eating for dinner.  You are definitely eating a bigger variety of food lately and I am so proud!  I dipped some cucumbers in a yummy Italian dressing and you thought they were pickles and devoured them.  That made me happy:)  You don't like milk much and we are actually weaning you from whole milk to 2% and it's going pretty well but, you much prefer apple juice.

You LOVE your baby doll and stroller.  You like to take  your doll to bed, in the car and on walks up and down the street.  You will be such a great big sister someday.  I don't think I've ever seen a kiddo your age show as much interest in babies as you do.  When we go to the park if there is a baby there in a stroller you will refuse to do anything but, hang on the stroller and talk to the baby.   We usually have to leave because you tantrum and cry if I try to get you to do anything else.  You silly girl.  

You are loving the Christmas lights in our neighborhood (you squeal, "lights" and point) and you love going in to Wal-Mart and seeing the Santa that pops in and out of a chimney.  You scream with excitement each time he pops out! So funny.  You don't like sitting in grocery carts EVER anymore (unless it is a car cart).  You prefer walking on your own or if you have to, sitting on the big side of the cart.  It has made shopping with you very difficult but, we make do somehow:).  You have reached a stage of wanting so much independence already.  You want to feed yourself everything and do things alone but, every now and then I hear a ,"hewp pwease," and I am only too happy to help you little girl!
Your vocabulary is growing by the day.  You picked up on the fact that Daddy's name is Joey and lately you have been saying, "hiiiii Joewee."  It's hilarious!!  I asked you the other morning if you had gone poo poo potty and you said, "ummm, in uh minit, in uh minit..." I cracked up!  You sing your ABC's and Barney's "I nuv you, nu nuv ne" in your crib in the morning when you wake up.  OR you yell for me, "mommeeee uppp!"   You now like to hand something to me and say, "here," and then you yank it away just as I am about to grab crack up every time!!

Favorite shows are Elmo's World, Sid the Science Kid, Wiggles, Barney, Dinosaur World and Caillou but, I'm pretty sure Elmo is still your absolute favorite! 
I just adore you Daisy. You are so spunky, so silly, so smiley, so spirited and oh how you love your momma.  You don't like to let me out of your sight these days and if I even walk into another room I hear you saying, "weh ish mommee...weh ish sheee?"  Then when you find me (or Daddy if you are searching for him), you SCREAM out, "MOMMMMEEEEE" or DADDDEEEEEE."  Bottom line, you love to chat and you are picking up on everything you hear and see.  You are such a smart little girl!
You bring us so much joy Daisy.  Just last night as me and Daddy held each of your hands while we walked into Wal-Mart we looked down at you as we swung you back and forth (at your request) and we marveled at the fact that you are our daughter.  Sometimes it doesn't quite sink in that we are parents now and that we are responsible for you.  What an honor and a gift that we have been given! I cannot thank God enough for blessing us with you and I will cherish every minute that I have here on Earth with you.   Happy 20 months princess! 



  1. Love this post--so heartwarming and the photos are beautiful! It's amazing how fast the time flies by, isn't it? :D

  2. Cutie! I LOVE the shot of her standing on her basket...such a smart girl! She is getting so big...stop growing Daisy till I can see you again!

  3. Do I need to mark her birthday this year on my calendar? Just let me know and I'll be there. Love that coffee shot.

  4. That's a fun's crazy to me to think that's how old curren was, when I had Finley, and that's how old Finley will be when I have Van.... They are still so little. Love her red sweater, she and curren are still a t alike many of the things you mentioned I remember him doing! You will be so happy you have all those details written down!

  5. I love these posts you do! It reminds me of when Max was littler and makes me wish I had kept record of what he was doing. I hardly kept track of any of that - mom fail! She is such a cutie. And I love her little toes. I still just think Max's toes are just the cutest!

  6. Again Casey so sweet, I love when they try using your name instead of Mommy. That cracked me up! "Jowee"...hahaha! Sweet pictures.

  7. beautiful post * such a pretty little lady ;)

  8. Beautiful pics and as always....LOVE THE TOES!!!!!!! I am jealous of the weather...we are getting snow. She may already have one but I think it is time for Daisy to get her very own digital camera. I think Fisher Price makes it...not sure. Real digital camera...but indestructible for kids. If she doesn't have one already, she totally needs one! Just sayin'.


  10. Amazing how much they change at this age isn't it. She is getting so big and just as adorable as ever

  11. So glad you liked the idea! We are doing well! Thanks for asking!! We decided not to go to Aunt Patty's this year. Kinda sad but need the time home to relax. =/

  12. I enjoyed catching up and loved the pictures of Daisy wearing her sweater and jeans. Too cute!


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