
Wednesday, May 26, 2010

8 Weeks - What a Joy to Be a Parent

Above: This is what being a new mom looks like: no makeup, wearing hubby's flannel because it's easier than wearing my own clothes, exhausted, dying for a cup of coffee but can't get up to make it....BUT loving the priceless moment while my daughter sleeps on my chest far too much to care about anything else. I will never rush these moments!
Can you tell that Daisy was not thrilled to be taking these pictures with me?? lol She has the same bored facial expression in each picture. hahahaha

Daisy is 8 weeks old today!! Yikesabee! And would you believe it...Daisy is becoming a better napper and sleeper these past several days. That could change again of course but, for now it's something to celebrate!! :)

The past several nights, before I lay Daisy down for bed at night I walk around in circles cradling her in my arms and talking to her to help her relax and unwind for bed. Every time she has been wide eyed and alert with no signs of relaxing and I seriously felt like her piercing little eyes were saying, "mom, you haven't said my bedtime prayers with me yet!" No soon as I start praying for Daisy out loud while we walk around together, her eyes start fluttering and getting heavy and before I know it she is totally relaxed and ready to lay down. I love that my little gal already understands "the peace that passes all understanding:)." Thank you Jesus!

Have I mentioned lately how much I love being a mama, Daisy's mama, and how incredibly eye opening and life changing it is to become a parent?? I absolutely love everything about this new journey. It is exhausting and the pay is terrible, but the rewards are priceless and my heart has been awakened to a whole new realm of love that I never knew existed. There is nothing like the love a parent has for their child. If I love my daughter this intensely and yet God says he loves us more than we could ever love each other...can you imagine the depths of God's love for us?? While Joey and I gave Daisy her bath last night we were discussing how much we adore her and that nothing could ever make us love her less even if she breaks our hearts and the same is true about God. We break His heart all the time but, His love for us never changes and He is faithful to stand by us though it all! I still remember when my mom quoted this bible verse to me in January of 2009 at a time when I was really wrestling over whether or not to start expanding our family,

"Behold, children are a heritage from the Lord, the fruit of the womb a reward. Like arrows in the hand of a warrior are the children of one's youth. Blessed is the man who fills his quiver with them! He shall not be put to shame when he speaks with his enemies in the gate." Psalm 127 3-5

It might not speak to everyone but, God obviously wanted me to get over myself so he could give us Daisy and wow, what a joy and a blessing she is indeed! It's definitely the hardest job on Earth but, by far the most fantastic, worthwhile adventure I could ever go on! Thank you Daisy for being such a wonderful baby and for all your laughs and priceless smiles. You are rocking our world!! xoxo


  1. Hey Casey, I just want you to know that I check your blog daily, but just haven't had the time or energy to leave comments...I'll be back in full force once things settle into a nice routine. :-)

  2. Um, I love this post. I love it, I love it, I love it. There are pictures of my gorgeous Casey girl, and pictures of the loveliest little flower there ever was, Miss Daisy Bug! And I just loved everything you wrote, how you proud it straight out from your heart. Parenting is just so beautiful and I just love the verses you shared, we just studied them in church this past Sunday. Mike and I were talking seriously just a couple weeks back about the same stuff, about how much we love Brayden, and how much God loves us. It's so great to be on this parenting journey with all my awesome friends. So so happy for you!

  3. I love all the pictures with you and Daisy. Especially the first one. I so know that moment. I hope your first week back went amazing and enjoy your wonderful long weekend ahead!


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