
Wednesday, May 19, 2010

We Are Blessed

Not in a bragging sort of way but, in a humble, awe struck, "God you are so holy and we are so not," way, we are Blessed! Today has been a day of reflection for me for various reasons. For starters I had an interview with a gal today that I hope will be our nanny. I found her on Craigslist when all personal leads fell through and for the record I was not thrilled about using a site like Craigslist to hire a nanny but, I really had no other choice. With less than a week before I have to go back to work I was starting to feel the pressure of still not having a nanny lined up. This gal left just a bit ago and was sweet, professional and left great references. I have called all of them and one just called me back with a glowing report of this gal. She is a Christian and goes to church locally and I felt so much peace when I heard that even though it was by no means necessary or a requirement. I just love how God knows what our hearts desire and I love how he blesses us in unexpected ways and often in ways we don't even deserve. I prayed with my mom on the phone this morning before the interview and we lifted everything up to the Lord and asked that he would make it clear if this was the right gal for the job or not and now I'm quite sure that she is and not only that but, that God has brought her into our lives for a reason. I pray that we can be a blessing in her life as much as she will hopefully be in ours.

Secondly, as I stare at my daughter who is sleeping in her swing...(she has been fighting naps like crazy for a good week now and is wearing herself and us ragged poor thing), I am reminded how faithful God has been to provide for and meet our needs as we have transitioned from a two person family with two solid incomes to a three person family with a strapped income due to childcare etc. When we got pregnant we did so in faith knowing that there is never a right time to start a family and it always takes a good deal of courage to face the unknown. Our sweet Daisy has been SO blessed and as a result she has all that she needs. Neighbors, family, friends, church folks, strangers, co-workers, etc. have all been so generous and though I said it before on this blog, THANK YOU ALL!!! Through all of you God has met our needs so that we can enjoy our time with our daughter without the weight of worry or fear. I am incredibly grateful and humbled by the love that we have been shown. Another praise report: As a lot of you know I didn't get paid maternity leave so we had to save fast and hard to cover ourselves while I was off the past 8 weeks but, I was never able to save enough...BUT, somehow that money has stretched in miraculous ways and I am not exaggerating here. It's through things like this that God gently reminds me that I am not in control and that He can do a much better job steering my life! I'm not saying things are always easy or that we have a cake walk life but, when I sit and really think about all the little things and how the pieces come together so beautifully all I can do is say, "Wow, what a great and mighty God we serve!" He is so real, so faithful, so loving, so awesome!!

"Do not be anxious about anything, but instead, pray about everything . Tell God what you need and thank him for all that He has done." Philippians 4:6

This verse has always been such a comfort and a great reminder to me:-) Thanks for listening to my little ramble today. I pray that you see and feel the Lord's hand guiding, protecting, and caring for you each and every day! He is the real deal.


  1. Amen, Amen, again I say Amen! Praise the Lord for His victories and work in our lives. I will be posting a similar post to this on our blog hopefully this afternoon about another one of His victories in our lives as well. So happy for you guys and so blessed that this time you have had home with Daisy has been all you wanted and needed it to be and more! Love to you all!

  2. Casey, I'm so glad to hear that you think you found a great nanny!! This was a great post and you hit the nail on the head with what you have said here. Also, I am going to write you back. I have been a little busy, but still want to write you back from the other day! Kiss that baby!

  3. It is always so awesome to see God work in my friends lives, I am so glad that you found someone and God delivered once again! Your attitude and contentment throughout this whole process has been a motivation for thank you!!!

  4. I know what an amazing time this has been for you and Daisy to bond and I truly believe it was a gift from God. Way to step out in faith sister!!


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