
Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Visitors Welcome

I have been meaning to post this for ages. Better late than never right:). Anyhoo, I keep our blog open intentionally because I am happy to share our story, pictures etc. with family, friends and even visitors that might just be stopping by. Granted, I might change my mind about that someday and make this blog private, but for now please know that I welcome comments even if I don't personally know you. A few ladies have left comments on our blog lately and it was a treat to get their feedback so thank you for stopping by:). I have a handful of blogs that I love to follow but, I don' t personally know the people so I have refrained from commenting on their posts because I don't want to freak them out. I have been so blessed, encouraged, inspired and stirred by reading about other people's ups/downs and life stories on their blogs! I will not be freaked out if you leave a comment so please feel free to do so now or anytime in the future:-)


  1. Love this post Casey! I do this as well, and feel the same way. I've been encouraged by people I dont even know, been touched by their stories, even cried over them and for them, and I am too scared to seem creepy to leave a comment. I love this post and I think the way you did it is super cute. Miss you buddy!

  2. I know you and I love you and I always find your words inspirational and make me so proud to see such an amazing wife and mother. And apparently I love run-on sentances :-)

  3. Hi! I'm Marisa's friend and it's been fun to stop by your blog and see your adventures as a new mama of a baby girl (I have a 9 month old baby girl too:)). I've been meaning to comment, but 1. I didn't want to seem creepy because you don't know me, ha and 2. I'm usually blog hopping when I'm feeding my daughter (tmi, ha). Anyway, you have a precious family and I LOVE your heart for the Lord. :)


Thanks so much for visiting my blog and sharing your thoughts.