
Wednesday, July 21, 2010

16 Weeks and Grandma Lulu

sorry for the duplicate shots...I couldn't decide if I liked the black and whites or the color better

Today little Miss Daisy is 16 weeks old and yes, these pictures were actually taken today so they are legitimate 16 weeks portraits:). We took these pictures right before we took my mom to the airport today. Oh how I miss her so already!

It's crazy that in just one week Daisy has learned to play peak a boo, blow rasberries and she laughed for the first time. Wow! What a week! While my mom was here we noticed that Daisy loves trying out new things. She really enjoys being introduced to new toys (which can be as simple as a wet washcloth) new sitting positions and walks outside while being held. She is the most pleasant and sweet baby imaginable. We just love this little girl to pieces!

P.S. Mommy please come back, tomorrow would be nice:-) xoxo


  1. so sorry your momma had to go is moms like us that need to invent the1 minute transporter! Love the pictures of you guys as a whole family, Joe looks like a natural holding her and she is so chunky! Love those legs! What a beautiful family you have!

  2. you and your mom look so much alike, even the way you look up at the camera. Whoa! It's tough when Momma lives far away isn't it?

  3. Great pics, Casey! :) Miss you guys!

  4. Oh, those are such beautiful pictures!! I can see why it's hard to choose between b&w and color...they each have their own unique emphasis. Like the 1st pic w/ your mom & Daisy evokes the feeling of the moment is now, today. The 2nd pic brings me back in time, even if it's just yesterday - there's that quality to it for some reason.

    The B&W pic w/ you kissing Daisy's cheek gives me a feeling of hope for the future, while the color one is you're enjoying the moment w/ Daisy in the present. Just my 2 cents :)

    Your blog is wonderful! So rich with love and close relationships, I can feel the warmth of your lovely family through the screen :)

  5. Wow Casey these photos came out great! I like both the black/white and color. Sorry that your mama had to return home but hopefully she'll be back soon. Daisy is blessed to have such a wonderful family :)

  6. great pictures. I'm glad you had such a wonderful visit with your mama. :-) Daisy is just beautiful and I love all her facial expressions in the pictures.


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