
Saturday, July 17, 2010

More Firsts

I just love when babies do something for the first time. It's got to be one of the best things this life has to offer:-) Quickly on the heels of Daisy learning to mimic Rasberrys, today she laughed for the first time and also learned to play peak-a-boo! I have a video of her playing peak-a-boo with us but, I haven't yet caught her laughing on video so that one will have to come later. I just can't get enough of this little one!

I am enjoying my mom's visit so much. She was kind enough to tackle the humongous job of re-painting the entire living area of our home with us. It is a full two day job and boy is it exhausting!! We spent 9 hours priming and painting yesterday (we are painting over the bright gold color that I never cared for) and tomorrow we will finish things up with another 7-9 hour painting session. I have a whole slew of things I want to write about how frustrating the color selection process is so stay ust wanted to document Daisy's milestones as they are happening since this blog is more or less her baby book once I print it up. I'll be posting pics and videos of everything going on. Hope you all have a wonderful and blessed Sunday! We are about to watch a sermon online with one of our favorite Pastor's Francis Chan and then we have to pick up our brushes and rollers and tackle this huge job. Wish us luck!


  1. that is hilarious! She really loves to play peek a boo! So cute Casey...growing up so fast. I bet it is fun to be even that more interactive with her! Hope the time with your mom is going by slow enough to enjoy every moment!

  2. Casey, your post reminds me of those precious first moments! How wonderful you get to document little Daisy's I wish I'd started blogging earlier to do that with my kids. Don't mind me, I was just having a nostalgic moment over the weekend when we gave away some of our kids' earliest toys to Goodwill *sniff*


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