
Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Very Soon

Very soon this work week will be over and very soon my mommy will be visiting me from California for a week. YEAH!! She hasn't been here since Daisy was six weeks old. I'm so glad she gets to come out again and visit with me. I've found that I am a horrible phone friend now that I have a a child and work full time so having my mommy come out here is the best because we get to chat a lot without interruptions. I don't know how my friends find the time to chat on the phone with more than one child as I barely get a little conversation going before I have to wrap it up. My hat is off to you ladies!

In other news: Jinnia over at
sent a little blog love my way through the "Blog with Substance" award. Jinnia is a very gifted writer and her blog is so inspiring and thought provoking. Stop by and pay her a visit sometime. Thanks for the award Jinnia! There are two rules of the award: 1. Sum up my blogging philosophy in 5 words. I would like to use all of Jinnia's words as they resonate so well with me but, Im trying not to. hehehe. Minister, Support, Share, Network, Fun

Next to pass this award on to five others: Elissa at The Blessed Morris Family, Laura at The Kincaid Family, Marisa at From Mourning to Morning, MaryEllen at Weekend Review and Linda at Training 6 Hearts For Him These gals all have wonderful blogs are are amazing and inspiring women of faith! God Bless you ladies!
That's all for now but, I do have some cute 4th of July pictures to share later today so stay tuned!


  1. I used to love talking on the phone until I had kids. And the more I had, the more I disliked the phone. It's impossible to have a phone conversation at this point if they are awake. I think my family and friends have gotten used to me never picking up my phone. My dad and sister always tell me that they talk to each other and ask "have you heard from Vanessa?" I feel so bad and it's not that I don't want to talk, but it's so busy and as soon as I get on the phone they think they need a million things. Just wait until she knows you are on the phone, all kids do it! I know you will have fun with your mom, so glad she can come out!!!

  2. I always tell people, I don't mind chatting on the phone as long as they don't mind screaming kids in the background. LOL Have a great time with your mom!

  3. Yay! There's nothing like having your mom to hang out with! I agree, talking on the phone is challenging with kids, esp. little little ones like your Daisy.

    Congrats on your award! Your encouraging words blessed me today! Thank you Casey :) Have an incredibly blessed day!

  4. Casey, as you know from talking with me, Vanessa is 100% correct. :-) Yay for your mom visiting! I know you two will enjoy your time together.

  5. Casey, thank you for the 'A Blog with Substance' award. That's really sweet of you =)


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