
Wednesday, December 1, 2010

8 Months Today

I thought that with today being December 1st (yeah, only 25 days till Christmas!!) and also Daisy's 8 month birthday that it would be a great day to share her Santa picture. We got her picture taken with Santa the day after Thanksgiving at the local mall. I wasn't worried that Daisy would cry with Santa as she loves people but, I was concerned that we might not get a smile out of her because when people are wearing glasses or have this amount of facial hair, she gives them weird looks and then just tries to grab at their glasses. I tried everything to get her to smile and look at me and the camera...i was jumping up and down, acting silly and clapping my hands but, to no avail. Then she noticed Joey off to the other side and started smiling huge at him but, it was the wrong direction....somehow the one mili second that she turned towards me with half of her smile left the camera man caught it and perfect..we have a smiling picture with Santa! Also, many thanks to Elissa for Daisy's adorable outfit! :0 Happy First Christmas picture Daisy Love!!

The Latest Daisy Stuff
*She eats pretty much any and every type of jar baby food and loves it all
*I have been continually introducing her to our food but doing it slowly as it seems to make her throw up more often unfortunately. She still spits up quite a bit. Not fun.
*I am still keeping her away from sweets (sorry Daisy!). I just don't think it is necessary for her yet. There will be plenty of soda and sweets in the future. No need to rush it.
*She has outgrown her 6-9 month things but, is not quite big enough for the 12 M stuff yet.
*She is working hard on her crawl. She tries every chance she gets and usually takes about 3-4 paces and then belly flops and tries again. Very soon she will have it down!
*Every day we make a little more progress with her nighttime sleeping. She goes to bed between 7:30-8 and only wakes up a 1-3 times a night for her pacifier and goes back to sleep.
*she no longer has an early AM feeding. I don't get her out of her crib until around 6:45-7 in the morning.
*Loves feeding herself cheerios, pieces of bread and has gotten great about using her pointer finger and thumb to pick little things up. It' so cute to see her focus so hard on getting things into her mouth:)!
*Loves to play with our remotes, magazines, bowls and lids, measuring cups and spoons and our keys.
*Her hair is growing like a weed these days and it still has a slight reddish tint to it (where did that come from?)!
*I can tell she has gotten much longer! Her legs aren't as chubby as they once were. Tear:(
Loves to make a smacking noise with her mouth and for people to imitate her.
*takes 3 naps a day which are anywhere from 30-90 minutes. Very inconsistent in duration but, consistent as to when she falls asleep.
*Still loves watching the Wiggles though TV seems to have lost some of it's appeal now that she is more mobile.
*Likes to watch Wiggles while hanging out in her exersaucer though she is getting bored of both things lately.
*LOVES people and smiles and laughs with them at every chance she gets.
*I think Daddy is her favorite person...I'm not jealous...yet:-).
*Has discovered that making a ear splitting shriek is quite entertaining (to her).
*enjoys getting out and shopping with me and sitting in the cart so long as we keep our trips short and I give her something to chew on while she sits (lol).
*Must have her super soft blankie and pacifier to fall asleep. She is my little Linus.
*Has said, bye bye, mama, uh oh and dada though I don't think she knows what she is saying yet.
*She loves to give us kisses and we LOVE getting them from her!

Joey and I both agree that this recent phase has been an absolute blast with Daisy. She is so curious and interested in everything and her facial expressions and reactions crack us up. I don't think my hubs would mind if I shared that just this past week he had a revelation and said to me with the utmost sincerity, "yah know, I don't care if we have 3 girls. I just love Daisy SO much it makes no difference to me if we have a boy or not." This melted my heart because of course every Daddy hopes for a son too but, Joey has been so captivated by his daughter that he wouldn't mind having more girls. So sweet! Daisy you have your Daddy wrapped around your joke!

My pumpkin will be 1 in just four short months!!! Holy Cow!! And yes, in case you are wondering I have thought about her first birthday party quite a bit though not in depth. I've already picked the theme (I think) and now I just have to think of inexpensive ways to make it cute and special. I cannot believe I will have a one year old so soon. Where did the time go????

I'm so excited to teach Daisy about the meaning of Christmas!! Christ's gift of being born a man to save us all from our sin! No greater gift will ever be given to her!!
"Therefore the Lord himself will give you a sign: The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and will call him Immanuel." (Isaiah 7:14)


  1. Ha! I would have loved to see you jumping up and down to get Daisy to smile. We've all done whatever we can for a sweet smile, huh? And leave it to the dad to just walk by and get a smile. :) The picture is adorable!

  2. Daisy's smile looks natural - I never would have guessed the story behind getting her to smile :) I would have loved to see you jumping up and down too, what a love you have for her. It's sweet too how much your hubby loves her, she's one blessed baby :) I loved reading the latest Daisy stuff, helped me relive when my kids were little - ah...such a special time. Keep enjoying it as you have been!

  3. Awww!So adorable!! Great photo.

  4. I wouldn't be surprised if she knew what she was talking about! Babies are amazing in how young they understand :) Seth was a chatter bbox and by 10 months had a vocabulary of like 10-15 words that were pretty clear :) I've heard of kids younger than that, you probably have one of them!!!!
    Such a cute picture!
    Have fun with the one year party, always entertaining :)

  5. Oh, and a side note... I don't know if you're ever heard of it, but I read on a news report that to make extra income/money, you can submit pictures you've taken to places like If anyone downloads them, you get like 25 cents per download. I don't know what the potential is on that, but you could always put some of your great photos on it!!

  6. That is a perfect picture of Daisy and Santa! Glad you got one with her smiling :)

    Oh how I enjoyed reading about the latest Daisy stuff. She sounds like a fun baby! Wish I could enjoy some of these moments. I love kids!! :D

  7. That is so cute - what your hubby said. Isn't it amazing how much love one might have toward own child? It sure amazes me just HOW MUCH i love my munchkin!!! :)

  8. This picture makes me smile! Livia was about Daisy's age last Christmas (9 months actually), and she was all smiles for Santa. Come Easter time, no smiles for the Easter Bunny - she was screaming her head off! It's so funny how quickly they change. :-) My parents are taking the kids Friday night to sit on Santa's lap, so we'll see how that goes - LOL!

  9. Casey,you had me there for a minute...the last paragraph where it said husband said, "I don't care if we have a boy or a girl" I read into thinking, "OH MY GOSH,I MISSED IT, SHE IS PREGNANT!" So, fumbled thru rereading lots of posts and decided I'm just reading into it~ha!!!. These pictures of Daisy are precious! She must be a very secure girl to sit there with big bad scary Santa with a smile like that!

  10. Such a wonderful photo of Daisey and Santa!!

    The time does fly by so quickly and they grow up so fast!! I just took down an age progression photo banner of our little girly today and realized it's been over two months since we celebrated her first birthday.

    Oh I did a quick comparison too of our little ones, it's so cute how much they do look alike. You and your hubby are right! :)

  11. She is getting so big so fast!!!!! So glad you got a smile from her with Santa!!!!!!!!!!!

  12. She is so sweet on santa's lap. KLV has her daddy wrapped around her finger as well. Should be interesting in our house when she is a teenager and wants to date.


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