
Thursday, December 9, 2010


I have to give all credit to my hubby for capturing one of my favorite pictures ever with Daisy since she has been born. I don't even know why I love this shot so much but, it just speaks volumes. I love my little Daisy boo to pieces and I think in this picture you can see my love for her clearly and you can see that she feels the same way about me:). hehe. Plus, could she look any cuter holding her snowflake ornament?

Love: the Christmas lights twinkling behind Daisy and her beautiful smile

Love: these two shots of Daddy with his little girl. Daisy was so excited to show us the cable that we finally let her play with. Her expression cracks me up...and look at those 7 teeth. Whew!

Too cute!

My sleepy faced girl in her Moose Christmas jammies and first 12 month outfit too. What a big girl!

Favorite Christmas Movie: Elf but, I love them all for the record!

Favorite Christmas Song: That is a tough one because I like several. O Come All Ye Faithful, O Holy Night, O Little Town of Bethlehem, Away in a Manager, Mary Did you Know, Jingle Bells, Joy to the World.

Favorite Christmas Tradition: We have quite a few and now with a child of our own I hope to start some new ones very soon for our family. As a child we did a 25 day candy chain with a bible verse and a candy in each chain. I loved tearing that open and eating my candy each morning before school and reading a verse that told the story of Christ and His birth!

Another favorite is that we Grandkids always got to open one present on Christmas Eve night from my Grandparents and it was always our jammies to spend the night at their house in. There are 6 girls and we often all had matching jammies and my older brother was the only boy at the time so he had his own. We wrapped presents, watched Christmas cartoons and hung out with our entire family and stayed up late. We kids were SO excited about Christmas. It was a blast!

Also, my family always opened presents on Christmas Eve morning because we usually spent most of Christmas day at my Grandma's house. I loved having two full days of Christmas every year and will probably do this with our family as well!

My husband's family has a really fun tradition of going to a movie on Christmas day and I really like that tradition a lot. It's so fun to dress up in your new Christmas clothes, As soon as our kiddos are all old enough I will definitely bring them along and that gets me very excited!!

Favorite Christmas treat: I like just about anything sweet so I can't pick a single treat (hey, that rhymed!) but, I do love the sugar cookies that can be decorated with frosting and sprinkles and are all in shapes of Christmas things! I want to make some with Daisy next year!

What Christmas Means To Us: If you haven't yet picked up on this by reading our blog, Jesus means everything to us! Christmas is a very special season because it is fun for everyone and in that fun I hope to always make sure that my daughter and future children take time to focus on what I believe is the true meaning of the season. Jesus was born on this Earth as the son of God to save us all from our sins. His life, death and resurrection were all priceless gifts that He freely gave us. He is the ultimate gift giver and in celebration of that we give gifts to each other. We will read the bible story of Jesus and his birth each year and maybe even bake a cake to celebrate Jesus' birth so our kids will better understand who the holiday is really about.
Thank you for your gifts to us King Jesus!


  1. That picture your husband captured is perfection. frame it!

  2. That is a great picture of you & Daisy!! I only have a very, very few pictures of me with either of my babies - it's b/c I'm always the one taking pictures I know. I have one I love of me with Emma when she was only a few weeks old that my friend took and a couple arm's length shots, but that's about it. And there are fewer of me & Aaron!

    I am hosting my first ever giveaway on my site - I am very excited & love for you to stop by & enter if you get a chance!!

  3. I popped over after posting this morn and yes this picture of you and Daisy is breathtaking, you are both soooooo beautiful! This makes me get more into the season seeing this post, love it Casey and I just want to run around now saying "MERRY CHRISTMAS, MERRY CHRISTMAS!!" (we just watched Elf last night, never get tired of it and laugh like you haven't seen it before don't yah?)

    Love, Marlece

  4. So funny.....we had a similar tradition for Christmas eve night. When it came to the jammies...usually it was our parents that got them for us...but every year it seems to rotate to different family members. Two years ago or so when Christmas was on Sunday...after church we all got right back into our Christmas p.j's before lunch just for fun.

    I agree with Ashley you should definitely frame that photo of you and her. It's beautiful!!


  5. Cute photos! She is getting so big!

  6. i love daisy's expressions- she is hilarious! :)

  7. Girl...your pics are always so amazing!! I wish you could teach me how to do such great photography. Daisy is too cute and I love her little pajamas!! I can't believe she is already in 12 months! They just grow up too quick!! Thanks for your sweet comment on my post!

  8. she is just so adorable. i want a baby girl again!


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