
Thursday, April 14, 2011

Momma In Focus

Happy Friday friends! Thanks for stopping by for another week of Momma in Focus! This week's prompt word was jammies. I only have one picture of me and Daisy hanging out in our jammies together...which is surprising considering how much time she and I spend together in our jammies (a lot!) lol. So I thought this would be a good challenge for us this week! The hubs snapped these for me and I have to say that I really enjoy having him around to do this for me every week as he is able to capture things so well. Daisy has just started showing an interest in reading in the past month or so. She loves to flip the pages and listen to me makes noises for the animals. The more dramatic my readings the longer the book maintains her interest! lol. I look forward to many more book readings together in our jammies in the years to come!

I hope you all had a wonderful and blessed week with your kiddos. Cherish every second. Take extra moments to kiss those sweet faces, give longer hugs, play make believe, do anything to make them laugh, tickle them, listen to them and smell their fresh hair after a bath. It all goes SO fast!!

Next week's prompt: you decide/ freebie week
The week after that: Easter (so you can think ahead...this could be a really fun prompt and I can't wait to see what you come up with!)

One Day At A Time


We are heading up to Virginia for the weekend to visit our good friends Mike and Elissa and their boys so forgive me for continuing my MIA status as of late. I really look forward to getting back into my blogging groove again!! Miss you guys!



  1. So adorable! You look great in your jammies! Your hair = phenomenal!

  2. Beautiful photos!!! That first one is fabulous! :) Hope you have a great Friday!

  3. I love story/bedtime. Its so fun when they start to react to the book and get excited.
    I love both of your faces in these pics. Cherished moments!

  4. Those pics are adorable! Love the reading shots. Her bedroom looks super cozy.

  5. Such beautiful photos! I love Daisy's face in the first shot...she looks so excited. :)

  6. I've been trying to link up, but I'm out in the country with only my phone for Internet. I did post pics for today - had it scheduled! Maybe you can link me ;)

    I love this link up - love getting in pics with my babies! Thanks for hosting a great link up!

  7. You & Daisy look so adorable!!!

  8. Casey- I love the colors (sort of ice cream shop-ish) Daisy is such a doll!!

  9. Daisy poses so nicely! I can never get kaela to look at the camera unless I scream like a mad woman and scare her into looking at me. LOL. Beautiful photo's! I love all the pink:)

  10. These are absolutely adorable! I love the pjs! Can't wait to read books with my baby eventually!


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