
Thursday, August 11, 2011

Momma In Focus - Mischief

I've always wondered how I would react when Daisy got into real mischief and today was that day!  I was brushing my teeth and I gave Daisy my mascara bottle to hold which she does all the time.  Somehow in the short time it takes me to brush my teeth, spit in the sink and put my brush away, my genius kid learned how to open the mascara bottle and then evidently assuming the make-up brush was for her hair...went to town.   I walked out of the bathroom to see her swishing the messy brush through her hair and onto her neck and I just started cracking up.  I mean look at her!  How could you not laugh at that mess???

I think I was also a bit thankful that I was wearing a mostly black shirt so I didn't have to worry about all the mascara that Daisy's grubby hands were wiping all over me.  I think she genuinely thought that  she was supposed to brush it through her hair and to me that was just too freaking cute!  Thank you to my mom for reminding me to snap a quick picture before the bath that followed immediately after this.
Daisy, this was funny the first time but, I'm hoping it doesn't happen again or again:)  hehehe  You crack me up little girl!!



  1. how sweet!! she will love this in years to come :)

  2. She's way too cute to be mad at...looks like she wanted a little "ink"

  3. Ahhh. -some!! :) She's still so cute, I thought she had a black headband in her hair at first. lol

  4. I miss your link ups to this btw :) but you have inspired me to keep doing it!

  5. Ha ha. Too funny! Cute photos.

  6. haha!! watch out for the nail polish..thats a BIG mess

  7. oh, you bet she'll do it again, she made Momma laugh!!! Can't wait for that post, hahahaha! There have been so many times when I had to lock myself in the bathroom so that I could beat myself up with laughing so hard over something they did...(something naughty usually)Oh, and there was one time....I wasn't laughing but told my son to "FREEZE AND NOT MOVE" as I took a picture, and then yelled, "GET OFF OF THE ROOF OF THE HOUSE!" Yah, this was Jordan at 2 years old when he climbed a ladder leaning against the house. Nice huh?

  8. that is so funny! glad you were able to laugh at it.

  9. I love the expression on her face! How adorable! I am a first time visitor. I'd love for you to come check out my little guy on my blog:

  10. So funny! :) I remember the first time my girls got into my make-up... I tried so hard not to laugh, but it didn't work!
    Have a great weekend!

  11. Ha ha! I love it! Emma did that once - she did aim for her face, but her eyebrows not her eyelashes. Guess that's good - she could have put out her eye!!

    I'm like you - stuff like this is hilarious...the first time! Ha ha!

    Have a great weekend friend!

  12. I Love it! Your Mom is brilliant for the picture reminder.

  13. Oh my word, what a cutie!! She is going to love having those pictures to look back on someday!

  14. Hahahaha, this is precious!! What a great memory to have and show her one day!!

  15. Mhhhhh that looks really yummy!!!Those situations are the best..when you're short before getting angry bc she did something she shouldn't do but it's too funny and you have to laugh so hard. She is so cute!!

  16. OH NO!!!!! Get ready mama- now that she knows, it's all over :) Lock everything down-

    Good to see you had enough of a sense of humor to capture it :)

  17. Hahaha. She's all punk rock with that black streak in her hair! Well, momma, glad you kept your sense of humor about it...sometimes you just gotta laugh!


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