
Saturday, January 28, 2012

This and That

This has been a long week with the stomach bug for me and Daisy.  She seemed to get through it much faster than me (though maybe her stomach is still bugging her and she just can't tell me in words?).  Nothing like a forced diet and body detox.  My diet was limited to chicken broth, ginger ale and decaf tea with an occasional banana giving me the sum energy level of a sloth.  I spent most of the first day trying to parent my kiddo while in the fetal position on the living room floor and surprisingly we got through it. That was fun. I think there should have been a rule ordained in the Heavens that moms should be spared from getting sick.  I'm sure all moms agree:).

My hubby is away on a fishing tournament this weekend with a friend.  It's actually the first time he has fished in a long time let alone been in a tournament and I am hoping that he has a great day on the water and catches a big one.  He really needs the R & R.  Make me proud babe!

Me and the munchkin get to have even more quality time this weekend (she really is one of my best baby friends. lol) and then tonight I'm heading out for a friend's sushi birthday dinner.  I heart sushi!!  Like mega heart it and I haven't had any sushi in a few months so I am really looking forward to it. 

I am crazy behind on posting the pictures I have taken of Daisy over the past month so the next week or so will probably be a barrage of Daisy updates...she'll be 22 months old on 31st!! 2 more months and she'll be 2! Wowzers! So family, if you have been having Daisy picture withdrawals..stay tuned:). 

It's the end of January and it is sunny and mid 60's here today.  This is crazy, awesome weather for NC and I couldn't be happier.  Getting to play outside in the backyard with my kiddo in the middle of winter really is a dream come true for this California girl.  Thank you God for the mild winter this year.  He must know that I need a little extra sunshine in my life right now:).

We've started watching the newest season of American Idol.  Has anyone else been watching?  I haven't been impressed by too many of the singers except for Bailey and this one guy... I think his name is Cortez or something like that.  I'm betting that he will be in for a long time...but, we shall see:).

**The first time I let Daisy drink out of a big people water bottle she was on cloud nine and she made all of these hilarious faces.  These were taken back in December.  Isn't she a riot.
And this sweet little guy has been keeping me busy this week...editing that is:).  Isn't he precious!



  1. I'm so sorry you've been sick!! And I definitely agree with you that their should be a rule that no moms get sick!:)
    Those are some of the cutest baby pictures I've ever seen!
    Have a great weekend,

  2. I want to eat this little guy, he just looks too scrumptous, great photography Casey! I love these, yes I do!

    I'm sorry you have been sick, there is nothing like being sick and trying to be a Momma all at the same time, don't you just want to cry thinking about it? I just hate it, and yes, Momma's should never be sick.....especially on top of our darlings being sick too.

    Good to check in with you!

  3. Ugh I'm so sorry. You know you've officially entered motherhood when you get a stomach virus and STILL have to parent. It's the worst. I'm glad you're doing better. Especially better enough to eat sushi! Big time lover here too. Someday we'll have to get together to have sushi together. :-) I cannot believe Miss Daisy is almost 2. She was just a babe when we "met". It's been fun to watch her grow through your blog. :-)

  4. your pictures are fabulous!!!
    get better soon! spring is coming..
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.

  5. Awww. Such cute pictures of Daisy and that sweet newborn. I am sorry y'all have been sick. I have been praying hard we don't get it this year. We had it twice last year. Hope Joey had fun on his fishing trip.

  6. OhMyGosh!!! That little guy in the green hat is ADORABLE!! That is such a precious, precious picture! Great capture! And Little Miss D is always so cute - her expressions slay me! LOL! You're so blessed!


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