
Monday, December 31, 2012

Happy New Year! 2013 Here We Come

God closed out the very last day of 2012 with the most beautiful sunset. I couldn't help but, linger outside in the chilly air just to gaze at the glory all around me.  The most majestic painting splashed across the Heavens; a gift from the creator, to all of us below.  
Tonight we are ringing in the new year from the comfort of our cozy couch.  We ordered a ton of take out sushi and even Daisy devoured a few rolls happily, until she got a super spicy roll on accident and then she was completely disinterested.  We hope that didn't ruin her love of sushi for good!
Now are watching some flicks while listening to the steady crack and pop of fireworks outside.  It's a wonderfully relaxing favorite. 

 I don't generally make New Year's resolutions but, I do love the refreshing feel of a full new year ahead.  Lots of new places to visit and people to meet.  Four wonderful seasons to experience all over again and adventures to be had.  More importantly to me though, is the never ending adventure of learning more about who I desire to be as I continue to learn more about who Christ is. That is what I look forward to most at the start of each new year.  What are your resolutions for this New Year?

I hope that you all have a wonderful night ringing in the New Year. 2013 here we come!

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