
Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Simple is Sweet

I love when my child spots a field full of yellow flowers and then takes off running for it, while squealing with her arms spread wide like an eagle soaring through the air.  Every flower in that field, she sees as an opportunity to pick or to dance around.  She also notices every bug, rock and stick along the way.
What I see as a simple lot beside a quaint cafe, she sees as a magnificent wonderland full of imaginative creatures, magical places and adventures to be had. 
Though we were more than ready to head home after my celebratory birthday brunch, both my hubby and I recognized that this was one of those simple moments in life worth pausing for. 

We both stepped into the green pasture and looked on with joy as our little girl picked flowers to her heart's content.  She picked some for me.  She picked some for Dad.  She kept some for herself.  She was as happy as could be and my heart was flooded with gratitude that something so simple and unexpected could refresh my spirit and bless my soul. 

Simple things are just that..simple and yet somehow it is the simple things in life that often have the most profound impact on us.   
"In character, in manner, in style, in all things, the supreme excellence is simplicity." Henry Wadsworth Lonfellow

and of course I asked the hubs to take a few pics of me otherwise I would never have existed in this memory...tis the life of a mom and a photographer! hehe And you may notice some yellow stain on Daisy's hands in some of the pictures above? The pollen had literally exploded this weekend and the ground was covered in a nasty yellow film. I have terrible allergies and for that reason alone I was unable to run through the field with Daisy which killed me. Nonetheless, we still managed to share a sweet little moment together. and not that this is really relevant to the topic of this post at all (aside from it being my birthday) but, I wanted to share a picture of the cake that my hubby so kindly helped make for my birthday. Simple and very sweet! 

 Hope you are all taking the time to enjoy the marvelous simple things in life!


  1. Wow! Daisy is looking like a big girl now! In the 5th pic down from the top, I think Daisy looks so much like you. Love the almost matching sandals too. :-)

  2. Love the pictures - what a wonderful memory! And Daisy looks so big now!!!

    It's good you got in the pics - more often than not I go back through pictures of our year when making our annual family album and never find one of me in any event. I really need to turn over the camera for at least one each time we're doing something. Great post friend!

  3. Happy birthday Casey! I love the 'memory' making. This makes for a happy Momma.

    He MADE you a cake? That's sweet.

  4. Happy belated Birthday Casey! What an amazing moment! My heart was so filled with joy as I looked at these pictures. I can almost feel the emotion that you guys must have felt when you get caught up in one of those moments!

  5. What sweet pics! Happy Belated! 30's are a great time - really!


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