
Thursday, July 8, 2010

Flash Back Friday

I wrote poetry often before I got married. I am not an amazing poet by any means but, it was a needed outlet for me to express myself at that time. I do feel like the poetry season of my life has passed as I haven't had the slightest desire to write a poem in several years now. Maybe the urge will return again someday but, for now I thought it would be fun to share a few of the poems that I like on my blog from time to time on Flash Back Fridays:).

I wrote this particular poem back in 2004 shortly before I got married, so over six years ago now. This was a time in my life that I look back on as one of the biggest growing seasons I have ever had in my spiritual walk. I was about to get married and I was just getting through one of my toughest personal trials. During that time God taught me SO much about HIS love, HIS forgiveness, HIS grace and HIS mercy. I already knew about these things in my head as I had been taught them since I was a child but, that season took me from a place of having head knowledge to having the word deeply rooted in my heart. As most of you all know there is a big difference between just knowing the bible, being an intellectual and actually living the bible and being a disciple. I know my mama prayed for me and my other siblings year after year when we were kids. Those prayers are powerful and I know they are what guided me along to a lasting relationship with Jesus!! As a mama myself now I am reminded how crucial it is to pray for my daughter's well being, her future husband, a job that she will thrive in if she wants that, joy with every morning, strength for the ups and the downs, protection, and a lasting relationship with Jesus!

As I read this poem I am reminded of the passion that I felt at that time and I am convicted that I need more of that passion in my life today!


Stirring within me
Burning in my soul

This desire to share
The truth that I know

I am not without
Troubles or pain

But in the power of Christ
I strive to change

Aware of the broken

The proud and the lowly
It is my yearning
To teach of His glory

I am not perfect
But a sin covered woman

Washed clean of my shame

In the blood of His name

In the end it all
The treasures and the fame
But to trust in God
Is to have eternal gain.

And on a totally different note: My hubby and I often refer to each other endearingly as "chunky monkeys." I have no idea how this nick name came to be but, last night when Joey picked up some batteries at Wall-Mart he came home with some Ben and Jerry's ice cream that he just had to buy because it was called Chunky Monkey. Neither of us have ever had this ice cream before and I wasn't expecting much when I saw that it was banana flavored ice cream with walnuts and fudge chunks but, OH MY GOSH, I am a huge fan now!!! It's my new favorite ice cream and that really is saying a lot because I don't even care for ice cream very much:). Who woulda thought?


  1. Too cute about the ice cream...sounds yummy! And I love the poem! You are very talented...great words that flowed and made so much sense. Thank you for that beautiful reminder of God ya

  2. Great poem Casey. I'm going to be looking forward to more of your "Flash Backs"! And I love Chunky Monkey ice cream! Glad you finally discovered it ;)

  3. ....and now I'm going to have to get some Ben & Jerry's. Thanks. LOL

    Loved the poem. Beautiful.

  4. Love your poem and can not wait to see more "Flash Backs." What a great idea for sure. My kids are the ones that started the Chunky Monkey ice cream. One of our favorites to get. Amazing the kids when the go on sports activities how much of that ice cream they get. :0) Gosh how much I find myself reading your blog. You do so well with words cousin... I am giving you a pat on the back for the great job you do.


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