
Friday, July 9, 2010

Something to Think About

Our good friends are in the process of adopting a child from Ethiopia. They have a blog that chronicles their experiences and allows them to share their hearts for the Lord as well. This video was posted on their blog a few weeks back and it really challenged my hubby and I to evaluate our lives and how we are living for the Lord. It also made us laugh so you can't beat that:) Let me know what you think! This is one of our favorite Pastors, Francis Chan out of California. He is a super passionate man of God and his messages are always so powerful! This is a short clip so check it out!


  1. Oh my goodness Casey, this sure does make you think dosen't it? I just makes you think and ask the Lord, "send me, show me, I will make that extra step for you!" I just finished Frances 'Crazy Love' the whole book so's one of those, do I want to keep going? It hurts but it's a good hurt. Anyway, thanks for sharing this I will be passing it on to my sis's and others.

  2. Wow, thank you so much for sharing this!! I had chills watching it!
    Big Fat Mama

  3. Would you mind if I shared this clip on my blog? (I would include a link to your blog back)

  4. Our course BFM!! You are welcome to share anything on my blog with your readers with or without a link back:). I really enjoy reading your blog:)

  5. yah Casey, I went ahead and put it on my blog as well....:/ thanks for sharing this and do love it soooooooo.......


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