This is no joke. The Martinez' have finally begun the family journey!!! We thank you for your patience over the past 5.5 years and now Lord willing if everything continues to go smoothly, we will be welcoming our first child into our arms on or around March 30
th 2010. This ultrasound was taken yesterday at which point we were exactly 9 weeks along. Today is 9 weeks and 1 day and this little baby has one heck of a strong heartbeat and is growing furiously everyday!! In the largest ultrasound up top the feet are up towards the right and the head is the opposite end just in case you are like me and think that the feet are in fact hair on the head. Don't laugh, I have never studied ultrasounds before nor did I think to ask myself how hair would be showing so early on.
lol. I think the doctor found me amusing. I found it amazing that you can already see the outline of toes on our babies foot and there is a wee bit of a profile beginning to show on the face. The ultrasound truly did rock mine and Joey's world. Until that first ultrasound I just had no idea what to expect. It's hard to relate to something that I haven't seen or heard but, the ultrasound attaches a face, a heartbeat and a miracle moment to the whole pregnancy experience. Joey LOVED being there and it blessed me so much that he made it. I think he is more excited than me at this point and for that I couldn't be happier!
To answer some of your questions:We got off the pill at the end of March and found out we were pregnant on July 24
th. We truly didn't expect things to happen so fast but, we are completely okay that they did. We feel incredibly blessed and do not take this miracle for granted! I have lots of fun stories that I will share over the next couple of weeks about telling our families and how I told Joey etc. Everyone has been so supportive and wonderful. Thank you!
I have been having a rough time as most of you know already. I have had nausea all day everyday and the thing that triggers it most is the smell of my house which I cannot escape because I work in it day after day. It makes it very hard to get any relief no matter what remedies we try or drugs I take. I have also been struggling with depression for the past 6 weeks and that has been the hardest thing of all as it was least what I was expecting to experience during pregnancy. I feel down all the time and even the pregnancy itself hold very little joy for me at this time as terrible as it sounds. I do want to emphasize that this pregnancy was planned and very, very, very much wanted so my mood is simply a hormonal imbalance that I have no control over and I am trying my best to ride it out and not go crazy with this heavy cloud resting over my head. I do welcome your prayers and I know that "this will pass" as everyone tells me over and over but, in the meantime this is how each day is for me.
Do we have names picked out? We have our name picked out if we have a boy but not for a girl just yet and I hate to break it to you all but, we will not be sharing the name until the birth announcement. Hang in there, you'll know in just 7 more months!! :)
lol. We do not have a gender that we are hoping for more than another. We just hope and pray with all our might that this little baby is healthy and well when he or she joins us in a short while.
If you have any other questions please leave a comment and ask away. Joey and I are so excited to meet this little person!!