Happy Half Birthday to my sweet Daisy girl!!!

{In case you are wondering I edited these pictures intentionally to be lighter, softer and brighter. No, they are not overexposed, I just happen to really like the artsy fartsy look of pictures edited light and soft at this point in my life.} lol
October 1, 2010 my little Daisy girl is 6 months old.
Seriously the last 6 months were by no means easy but they flew by nonetheless.
How is it that I have a child who is ever so rapidly working her way towards her first birthday??? I still can't believe it some days!
Daisy facts:
loves squash and sweet potatoes most but, will eat anything quite eagerly
has also nibbled on Ritz crackers and some cheerios
Can sit up very well on her own now though she still teeters after a while
Still hates rolling. She has rolled both ways several times and then never again.
Still does not like tummy time for more than a few minutes.
Loves to be held in a standing position so she can bounce and jump.
Really likes going on walks around the block a lot.
Especially enjoys bath time...unless she's tired and then it's no fun
Naps every 2-3 hours for about 30-40 minutes on average
The past couple of weeks she has been napping less but, napping longer
She is so inconsistent when it comes to sleep.
She has an extremely short attention span now.
Wasn't always like that but, has become very easily bored and needs a lot of attention.
Wants to be held a lot more.
Loves to brush her hands through my hair and across my face
Is fascinated by tongues and wants to yank on them
Is so gassy. Seriously, she farts a lot! (sorry Daisy)
Eats solids twice a day. Once in the morning and once right before bed.
Tends to go to sleep between 8-9 PM every night.
Does not want to be rocked to sleep much anymore...occasionally.
Has two bottom teeth that are over half way in now.
Always has boogers in her nose. I think she might have allergies. Poor boo boo.
Her favorite TV show hands down is the Backyardigans..I'm going crazy.
Her favorite toy lately has been a plastic Coke bottle because she knows it's ours.
Loves her Daddy so much. I think more than me because if he's in the room she tunes me out.
Is trying SO hard to crawl but she gets very frustrated.
Can crawl on her back by doing the frog and gets around pretty good.
Still does not sleep through the night.
I still nurse her at around 4 AM every morning and then she sleeps until 7ish
She sleeps in her swing after the 4 AM feeding...it's the only thing that works.
She has only bit me once while nursing so far. Ouch!
Lays in bed with us for about 30 minutes in the morning.
We love it!
I'm not positive but, am pretty sure she weighs over 16 pounds now
Wears size 6-9 month clothes
Wears size 2-3 diapers (Swaddlers are the best in my opinion)
I still haven't left her in the church nursery yet. Soon.
She no longer seems to have stranger anxiety.
She has not had a hysterical melt down in over 2 months!
Is always making noise..she is soooo noisy but, it's cute.
Loves being outside in the fresh air and seeing new scenery.
I could go on far too long so I will stop now. I guess it's time for me to start thinking about first birthday party ideas...hmmmm:-)
Seriously the last 6 months were by no means easy but they flew by nonetheless.
How is it that I have a child who is ever so rapidly working her way towards her first birthday??? I still can't believe it some days!
Daisy facts:
loves squash and sweet potatoes most but, will eat anything quite eagerly
has also nibbled on Ritz crackers and some cheerios
Can sit up very well on her own now though she still teeters after a while
Still hates rolling. She has rolled both ways several times and then never again.
Still does not like tummy time for more than a few minutes.
Loves to be held in a standing position so she can bounce and jump.
Really likes going on walks around the block a lot.
Especially enjoys bath time...unless she's tired and then it's no fun
Naps every 2-3 hours for about 30-40 minutes on average
The past couple of weeks she has been napping less but, napping longer
She is so inconsistent when it comes to sleep.
She has an extremely short attention span now.
Wasn't always like that but, has become very easily bored and needs a lot of attention.
Wants to be held a lot more.
Loves to brush her hands through my hair and across my face
Is fascinated by tongues and wants to yank on them
Is so gassy. Seriously, she farts a lot! (sorry Daisy)
Eats solids twice a day. Once in the morning and once right before bed.
Tends to go to sleep between 8-9 PM every night.
Does not want to be rocked to sleep much anymore...occasionally.
Has two bottom teeth that are over half way in now.
Always has boogers in her nose. I think she might have allergies. Poor boo boo.
Her favorite TV show hands down is the Backyardigans..I'm going crazy.
Her favorite toy lately has been a plastic Coke bottle because she knows it's ours.
Loves her Daddy so much. I think more than me because if he's in the room she tunes me out.
Is trying SO hard to crawl but she gets very frustrated.
Can crawl on her back by doing the frog and gets around pretty good.
Still does not sleep through the night.
I still nurse her at around 4 AM every morning and then she sleeps until 7ish
She sleeps in her swing after the 4 AM feeding...it's the only thing that works.
She has only bit me once while nursing so far. Ouch!
Lays in bed with us for about 30 minutes in the morning.
We love it!
I'm not positive but, am pretty sure she weighs over 16 pounds now
Wears size 6-9 month clothes
Wears size 2-3 diapers (Swaddlers are the best in my opinion)
I still haven't left her in the church nursery yet. Soon.
She no longer seems to have stranger anxiety.
She has not had a hysterical melt down in over 2 months!
Is always making noise..she is soooo noisy but, it's cute.
Loves being outside in the fresh air and seeing new scenery.
Daisy, we love you so much sweet baby girl. You have really opened our eyes to what it means to give and love and serve. You are a beautiful, healthy baby and we are so thankful that God carved you out of time for us to enjoy and cherish. Thank you for your laughs and smiles and for changing our lives forever for the better. - mommy and daddy
I could go on far too long so I will stop now. I guess it's time for me to start thinking about first birthday party ideas...hmmmm:-)