Heard the doorbell ring this week (a sure sign UPS has dropped something off) and it turns out Joey's aunt and uncle blessed us with our infant car seat and some other much needed goodies. I cannot thank them enough for these things and it is such a huge relief to have the infant car seat in hand in case for any reason our gal should decide to come early. Thank you guys so much!!! It was such a treat to rip open the boxes and assemble the car seat a couple of days ago. I bought some cute strap covers for it with the pink lambs on them and now all it needs is a baby sitting in it:). Yeah!!! I will say that I realized when picking up the car seat how out of shape I have gotten. Man, that sucker is heavy without a baby in it! On the flip side it does have the in car base attached to it which adds a good deal of weight but, still. Man, I need to do some preggo push ups or something! haha.
The doc told me at my last appointment that my one cup a day of caffeinated tea is most likely the cause of my intense Braxton Hicks contractions. So, I stopped drinking it and for the past week I have had hangover headaches but, I guess he's right because I barely had any BH contractions this week. Sigh. Oh, green tea with caffeine how I miss you:(. OH SUSHI I MISS YOU EVEN MORE!!!! I swear I could go fish a salmon out of the ocean and eat it raw right there on the boat at this point. I dream about eating sushi and am not sure what I am counting down to more...my baby or some delicious pieces of raw fish sitting atop a pile of rice and covered in soy sauce. Oh my golly, YUM!! hahaha I'm joking about what I am counting down to with the most anticipation of course:).
We are supposed to get a good deal of snow this weekend for the first time this winter. Joey and I are really looking forward to it since it will be the weekend and we can actually enjoy it together. Fun! I'll make sure to post pics if we get any.