*Stands up constantly and occasionally will let go and balance for a handful of seconds
crawls a lot faster now
*opens everything, cabinets, drawers, boxes, etc.
*Eats constantly but still isn't a big fan of eating veggies unless they are pureed
*Has slept through the night (7:30-5) more in the past two weeks than she has in the past 10 months! We are so excited about this progress!!
*Has 8 teeth and currently is teething again
*Loves eating cheese, breads, fruit and crackers and sweets (uh oh)
*Is smiling a lot less these days which makes me kinda sad
*I can finally get her to laugh now and then and it melts me!
*Struggles with separation anxiety and it is a bummer
*Loves to play with our things
*Can say mama, dada and num nums (food)
*Shakes her head no but doesn't yet know exactly what it means
*Cries when I say ah ah ah (my way of telling her no) it's funny
*She doesn't actually know what the word no means as I haven't really used it much yet
*Cries when I say, "all done," when her food is gone. She hates to be done eating. SO cute!
*Is SO loud now. She shrieks and hollers constantly.
*Loves to touch my face. It's as if she is exploring it by touch. Neat!
*Is still nursed 4 times a day
*Today we installed her big girl car seat and she did great in it
Daisy is an absolute blast. I'm loving this phase!
**Today was the most beautiful day we have had in months. It was around 60 degrees and the sun was shining. Daisy got to wear a tank top (shown in the pictures above) and I LOVED taking pictures of her as she soaked up the rays outside. So sweet!