Daisy's 11 Month News
*Can say: mama, num nums, bye, hi, dada and uh (for uh oh). She does not say anything on cue though. She only says things when she wants to.
*Understands what I mean when I say, doggie, bath time, let's go bye bye, let's go see dada, want a snack, say hi, dance, night night, blankie, poppie (pacifier), I love you, kisses and toys
*Wants to be held 24/7 but, does not like sitting still while being held. She likes to walk around. My arms are dying! I'm going to buy a back carrier for her off of Craigslist soon!
*Nurses 4 times a day and eats fruit or eggs and toast for breakfast, lunch is whatever I am eating and dinner is usually her baby food veggies because she hates eating chunks of veggies by hand and I want to make sure she eats vegetables. I foresee food challenges ahead. She eats just about anything and everything now.
*Drinks water out of her sippy cup but hasn't 100% mastered how to drink on her own all the time (occasionally she gets it)
*Takes 2 naps a day now. They are usually only 45 minutes or an hour long each. I cannot tell you how much I wish she napped longer but, maybe it will happen in time.
*DRUM ROLL........(Ttttttaaaatttttdddaaatt) Daisy has been sleeping through the night for the past 3 weeks in a row now!!!! I want to clarify that she does still wake up several times a night but, she generally just makes a little noise and falls right back to sleep with our without her pacifier now. I still keep like 5-10 pacifiers in her crib and she now can find them on her own at night. Thank you Jesus!!! This has been a DRAMATIC life change for me. It took me 2 weeks just to feel good getting a full nights sleep because my body didn't even know how to appreciate the extra hours. Now I devour my full night and am SO thankful for it. No crazy CIO. It just started happening all on it's own but, it took 10 months!! Yeehaw!!
*Has gotten very brave about her standing without holding anything and has come very close to taking a step or two on her own!!
*Does NOT like to be away from me or Joey. She cries pretty much the entire time we are in church and she is in the nursery. If we go on a date she cries while we are gone. I look forward to when she enjoys hanging out with other people in our absence! It just makes things harder on all of us but, it's normal for this phase.
*Enjoys a 10 minute bath but, generally wants to stand up and hold the spout the entire time.
*Wears size 12 months clothes but, is very, very close to outgrowing them!
*Wears size 3 Pampers Cruisers diapers but, is also VERY close to outgrowing these as well.
*Claps, dances, is uber ticklish, laughs a little bit more often (still not as much as I'd like), loves to cuddle when she is sleepy, LOVES to eat ALL the time, can play by herself in our living room with her toys for about 30 minutes as long as she can see me nearby.
*Is such a sweetheart. Seriously, Daisy glows, radiates and shines every where we go. She is a doll and an absolute joy to parent. I am loving this phase because she engages more and understands so much. It's a blast!!
Happy Happy 11 months Daisy Love!!
Daisy's 11 month news
(Being that Daisy's birthday is March 31st it is tricky deciding when to actually celebrate her monthly dates. I could celebrate each month on the last day of the month which is what I am doing tonight or I could keep going into the next month until it has been 31 days but, then that month is too short. lol. It's an interesting dilemma)