...better late than never....annnnd moving on.
This is definitely a favorite verse of mine for the Easter celebration well, and always actually:).
John 3:16-17
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. "For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him"
This is definitely a favorite verse of mine for the Easter celebration well, and always actually:).
John 3:16-17
"For God so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish, but have eternal life. "For God did not send the Son into the world to judge the world, but that the world should be saved through Him"
Soooo, Easter was super busy because not only did we go to church but, it was also Daisy's 3rd birthday (Happy actual birth day boo boo!) and we had lots of family in town. It was a wonderful kind of busy. Daisy looked adorable in her Easter dress Sunday morning and she was actually excited about going to church to celebrate Jesus in her pretty outfit. I'm bummed that I didn't get a nice picture of Daisy outside with my DSLR camera but, these days I'm not surprised. There just aren't enough hours in the day to get all the pictures that I'd like to get! lol Plus it was really windy and cold that morning and I was wearing a dress that I had to hold down pretty much constantly (not fun)...taking a picture outside would have been a bad idea if you get my drift. haha
I think that this is the first holiday that little things are starting to really click for Daisy. She was pointing out crosses around this time and saying, "tank you to Dejus for da cwoss. I wuv you." The other day I was wearing a cross necklace and she pointed at it and said, "Mommy you are wehing Dejus cwoss cuz He wuvs you so much wight?" Man, I tell yah I just about wept with joy. So she is listening! She does hear and take things in even when it doesn't seem like it! Praise the Lord. haha.

And Daisy had just woken up from a nap so she was a little sleepy faced and groggy but, she was SO happy to wake up to her basket after her nap. My mom also gave her a birthday present and that princess microphone has been a favorite of Daisy's since that day. It gets LOUD....thanks mom, haha. but, it's a blast to sing into a mic that actually works! So happy that my mom was here to celebrate with us this year. It was such a treat to have her around.
Shortly after this we went to the grand parent's house for an Easter egg hunt and dinner...she requested the Easter egg hunt three separate times and she really didn't care about opening the eggs at all. Just wanted us to repeatedly hide them. I thought that was pretty funny. We had such a great time visiting with all of our family...more pictures from that to follow if I ever get around to it!!
"yeah! I got one!!"
Unfortunately it had rained quite a bit and the yard was like a squishy swamp so we had to do most of our hunt indoors. She didn't mind though:).
Our Easter morning attire and Daisy being a silly little peanut as usual. I do have to give her props though because between her birthday the day before and Easter she was being requested to take way too many pictures and she was a champ through it all...silly but, a champ nonetheless:). Proud of you Daisy bean:).
And in closing I just want to say how wonderful
it was to have my mom here during this rather busy season. She helped me shop, watched Daisy while I shopped, decorate, food prep etc. I couldn't have pulled the weekend off without her! She was literally Daisy's personal slave for a week. And I love going to church with my Momma. We both enjoy talking after the service about our thoughts on God, life and stuff and that's always a blessing. She's my best friend hands down. Love you to pieces Marme!