Again, it's going to take me a good while to master the art of culinary display as well as the purchase of a new macro lens to really get to the point that my food pictures look appetizing but, for now I'm just going for it anyways:). I found this recipe on the website that I mentioned in the previous post. I have like 10 dinners that I know how to cook really well and I tend to cook them over and over and over again until even I can barely stand looking at them. So, I decided that if I'm not even enjoying the food I'm making that it is high time to discover some new and marvelously easy dinners! This is a piece of cake to make and I kid you not...in over five years of marriage, this meal received more praise from my hubby than any other meal I have made!! Wowza:). Here's the recipe for all you mom's and wives that want something quick to prepare after a long day:
4-6 boneless skinless chicken breasts (frozen or thawed)
1- 15 ounce can of black beans
1- 15 ounce can of corn drained
1-15 ounce jar of salsa any kind (I used Pace Medium chunky)
1-8 ounce package of cream cheese (I used 4 ounces of cream cheese and 4 ounces of sour cream)
1. Place your chicken in the crock pot
2 Add 1 can of black beans and 1 can of corn and the jar of salsa to pot
3 Keep crock pot on high for 4-5 hours for frozen chicken 2-3 for thawed
4. Add cream cheese and or sour cream during the last half hour of cooking and stir in a bit. Let sit a final 30 minutes and whalah...you have yourself one delicious meal with only 5 minutes of preparation!!! I served mine with cornbread but, it would have been amazing on top of a pile of white or brown rice:). Enjoy!! Oh, and if you make it, please let me know how you liked it by posting here. Thanks!