Holidays always come and go way too fast in my opinion. I look forward to Thanksgiving every year because I love an excuse to eat a lot of horrible for me but, deliciously tasting foods as well as a chance to hang out with good friends that we don't see nearly enough. This year is our third year (not all in a row) spending Thanksgiving with the Morris family bunch. Joey and I were reminiscing about Thanksgivings spent with our friends this week. The first Thanksgiving we spent with the Morris' Elissa was about 6 months pregnant as I am right now. The second Thanksgiving we spent with them they had their first son, Logan who was about one and a half and Elissa was pregnant with her second son and this year, our third Thanksgiving, they now have two sons and I am now the one pregnant with our first child:). It's so special to have good friends nearby and to get to be a part of each life phase that each other goes through. We are so thankful for you Mike, Elissa, Logan and Austin!
I started getting sick last Sunday and brushed it off hoping that it would be a minor bug but, by Wednesday afternoon when I had to walk out of the hair salon because I couldn't stop sneezing or controlling my gushing eyes I realized I was in trouble. Thanksgiving day was the worst day of my cold or flu or whatever this is. Our drive to the Morris' on Thursday was awful for me. I sneezed every minute and my head was pounding and I was so frustrated that of all the days to be laid out with no ability to taste that it would be on Thanksgiving day for me. In spite of the fact that I was not feeling well on turkey day and that I felt awful that I brought my cold to the Morris house we did have a wonderful time. Elissa rocked the cooking this year and took care of the 19 pound turkey (yes, it was huge!), the green bean casserole and the sweet potato casserole. Mike made a homemade apple pie and some homemade rolls and I made my favorite mashed potatoes and brought a bakery pumpkin pie, sparkling cider and cranberry sauce. It was a delicious meal and that is coming from someone who could only taste with 5% of her tongue:)!!! It was so great to see Logan and Austin who seem to double in size each time we visit. Joey had an absolute blast playing with Logan and getting little Austin to smile which is not hard to do:).
Saturday we attempted to spend a nice day at Williamsburg but, unfortunately the weather only gave us about an hour before it began raining and then pouring. It was super cold and windy and just plain nasty so we pretty much had to make it a quick trip which was fine. I look forward to going back sometime and shopping more as I absolutely loved the area and I find the history so fascinating! We grabbed a bite at Chili's and then enjoyed a nice relaxing afternoon in the house napping, watching shows and playing with the kids. It was heavenly:). Elissa also spoiled me with a few adorable outfits for our little girl and loaned me her baby bouncer which is perfect and saves us having to buy one! I can't stop smiling when I look at the cute outfits she got me because I can't wait to see our little girl wearing them!! Thank you for the goodies Elissa, you are such a wonderful friend! Cheers to a great Thanksgiving -- 2009!!